Academic Grading in Ireland

The Grading system in Ireland can be divided into higher education grades, Secondary School Grades, School Leaving Certificate Grades and School Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA). Find below the tables describing the grade system in Ireland.

Higher Education Grades

 Scale Grade Description US Grade
 70.00 - 100.00 First Class Honours A
 66.00 - 69.99 Upper Second Class (2.1) Honors A-
 60.00 - 65.99 Upper Second Class (2.1) Honors B
 50.00 - 59.99 Lower Second Class (2.2) Honors B
 45.00 - 49.99 Class 3 Honors/Pass B-
 40.00 - 44.99 Class 3 Honors/Pass C
 0.00 - 39.99 Fail F

Secondary School Grades

 Grade ScaleGrade Description
 US Grade
 A 85.00 - 100.00 Excellent A
 B 70.00 - 84.99 Very Good A
 C 55.00 - 69.99 Good B
 D 40.00 - 54.99 Satisfactory C
 E 25.00 - 39.99 Weak F
 F 10.00 - 24.99 Fail F
 NG 0.00 - 9.99 No Grade 

School Leaving Certificate Grades

 Grade Scale US Grade
 A1 90.00 - 100.00 A
 A2 85.00 - 89.99 A
 B1 80.00 - 84.99 A
 B2 75.00 - 79.99 A
 B3 70.00 - 74.99 A
 C1 65.00 - 69.99 A- / B
 C2 60.00 - 64.99 B
 C3 55.00 - 59.99 C
 D1 50.00 - 54.99 C
 D2 45.00 - 49.99 D
 D3 40.00 - 44.99 D
 E 25.00 - 39.99 F
 F 10.00 - 24.99 F
 NG 0.00 - 9.99 No Grade

School Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)

 Scale Grade Description US Grade
 85.00 - 100.00 Distinction A
 70.00 - 84.00 Merit B
 60.00 - 69.00 Pass  C

Language of Instruction in Ireland

In Gaeltacht area, the education system at first and second level has from the beginning a part of the mainstream state system. The difference is that the medium of instruction is Irish, whereas in most of the other state system the medium of instruction is English.

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